Hello again...♥So I'm finding out all neat sorts of things about this blogging site. I think I'm better at designing my layout and messing with the settings than I am at actually blogging. I can't ever sit still long enough to write down something that's longer than one paragraph.
On a positive note... Kyla is here this weekend!!! I am so blessed to have the most beautiful girls EVER! (:
Before this blog gets too random I'll go for now.
New Year 2016
We enjoyed a post-Christmas trip with Uncle Jeff to the North Georgia
mountains. We celebrated Juel's birthday and New Year's Eve! We ended the
trip with v...
7 years ago
Your layout is beautiful! Love it! As for writing posts, just do it. It took me awhile to find my groove, but now it comes pretty easily to me. Most of the time. I have found that I often have more ideas when there's no way I can write (like while driving or whatever). I try to make sure I have paper and a pen nearby so I can jot stuff down when I'm unable to post. It helps.
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